Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day 2

April 16, 2007
I peaked out of my sleeping bag and it was light out. It was so cold and damp. I could see my breath. Everything was damp with moisture. The thought of getting out of this warm sleeping bag didn't appeal to me but I knew I couldn't stay here, nor did I want to.

But I had made it through my first night. I was anxious to get going. I quickly changed my clothes and packed everything up. The wind hadn't died down any and there was a mist in the air. The only thing that was going to keep me warm was to keep moving so I started down the highway once again.

The roads and air were wet but I was confident there would be a break in the weather soon. I waved at people driving by and they waved back and some honked their horns. I love it when the truckers honk. A couple of ambulances flashed their lights. It kept my mind off the awful weather conditions and the hills (they would be considered mountains back home). The winds were so strong at times it pushed me back. And the sun never did show itself. It was overcast. In some areas drizzly rain and fog. Between the weather and steep hills my run is a combination of running and walking. Its the best I can do with 25 lbs on my back and these conditions.

The day was long and I had a number of conversations with God. I had gone about 55 km and now the weather was getting even worse. It was turning into rain. This has not been a good day for a run. But I stayed optimistic that things could only get better. I started thinking about setting up my tent and just then God sent me an Angel. He stopped and asked me if I wanted a ride to the hotel just down the road. I gladly accepted and stayed in the hotel for the night. I took a hot shower and went down to the restaurant and had a warm meal and 3 cups of hot coffee. Life was good again and tomorrow would be even better. I thanked God for sending me an Angel and asked for better weather tomorrow.

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