Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day 4

April 18, 2007
Daylight finally came and I could still hear the winds blowing. I looked out of my tent up at the highway and I could see the rain blowing across the road. It didn't look good but I knew I couldn't stay here. It was cold and wet. I decided to go a few km down the highway and if conditions didn't improve I would find another sheltered area. The weather changes every few km so it might be different just up the road and I would have to find out. So I packed up everything and started running.

The first few km were miserable. There were alot of open areas and the gusts of wind were unbelievable. I must have been right below a weather system sitting in the area. Once I was down the road a bit the freezing drizzle was behind me. I had gotten an early start and was going to keep going until I hit a service station. I knew if I covered 40+ km I would hit something by dinnertime.

The rain was behind me but still no break in the clouds. No sun. The winds were still so strong and mostly I was running into the wind. I kept my mind on waving to people as they drove by. I got about 20 km down the highway and there in the distance was a gas station. I was so relieved to see it. I stopped to go to the washroom and have a cup of coffee. I was told there was a hotel about 30 km up the road. I decided that was my target.

I went about another 17 km down the road and made a stop at a truck weigh station. By now I was damp and cold and my feet were a bit tired. I was told the hotel was about another 10 km down the road. I went another 5 km and it started to rain and the wind picked up again. I just kept going. After 47 km I checked into a hotel. I thanked God for getting me there and prayed for better weather tomorrow.


Dorit said...

Hi Michelle:
Oh, I'm so glad to "hear" from you! What determination you have! I know what the weather was like in NL. But, it will get better. Spring will come!
Your courage is absolutely inspiring!
(Didn't know one could comment in a blog).
Take care of yourself, dear Michelle. Don't let yourself get exhausted or sick. Yeah - I know - I sound like a mother.

All the best,

Anonymous said...

Hey Mich.....you make us all so proud!! I have absolute faith that you can complete this or any other journey you set out to do! The pure light that emanates from your heart will guide you, and your love and dedication will prevent countless senseless deaths. Keep God in your heart and courage will live there too. Remember you are not alone my friend, love transcends time and distance. You are in the heart of all who know you. We are all rooting for you back home!!
I mich you.
Keep safe mon amie. (I'm still holding you to our retirement plan)
Keeping you in my heart and my prayers,
Love ya
Lou :)
See you in Ottawa!! Keep posting!!