Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Let Live St. John's NL


Be a life saver for our animal friends and end the tragedy!

Sunday April 15, 2007
12 noon @ St. John’s Harbour
*originally scheduled for 9am

Help us solve the problem.

Please come down to the Harbour and look for the Let Live Canada flag!
My name is Michelle Jameus.

I’m appealing to the hearts of the people of St. John’s NF and all people across Canada to join us and speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.
I will carry a flag across Canada to defend our animals’ cause and plead their case.

St. John’s is the beginning of a very long journey. I encourage you to join me at St. John’s Harbour for the start of the ‘No Kill Canada Marathon’ where I will begin running 26 miles a day following the TransCanada Highway until I reach Vancouver B.C.

We have had our blinders on for too long.
It’s time to take them off and pay close attention to what’s happening to thousands of helpless pets each year.

Let’s bring Canadians together and stop the unnecessary killing!
Let’s act now St. John’s and show Canada who has the biggest heart!

The animals thank you for your care and support.
Visit http://home.cogeco.ca/~llc/ for more information and to make a donation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By doing this I believe you will make a difference and give these little guys a voice that can finally be heard. You would have to be an extraordinary person to take on a journey like this. But the rewards will be greater than you could even imagine! So with that may you have a safe journey, good health and lots of love and support. Good luck you are one of the great ones!