Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Day 10, 11 – Grand Falls

Before leaving Gander I headed to the CBC building. I met Leanne and we chatted a bit. She was great. She set me up in front of a microphone and before I knew it the interview was over. This would reach out to more people I thought and hopefully increase the awareness. I thanked her and went on my way. While I was leaving Gander my only disappointment was that I didn’t get the opportunity to visit the Gander S.P.C.A. I had arrived too late yesterday and leaving early today. The shelter was closed.

It was a much warmer day and the sun was shining but ohhh the wind. Some of the gusts were up to 40 km. I had gone about 20 km and stopped at the Irving Gas Station in Appleton. I have some calluses developing under my feet and some blisters on my toes. Today they were getting worse and would need some attention soon. I made it to Lewisporte, about 43 km and by now my feet were too sore to continue. Grand Falls was just ahead. I would stop there and use a day to tend to my feet and stop in at the S.P.C.A.

I found a Pharmacy and picked up what I needed. My feet are much happier now and would be ready to go again.

I enjoyed my visit to the Grand Falls S.P.C.A. Carol took me on a tour of their shelter and I got to meet all their animals. I learned about all the things they do to keep the shelter going and get homes for all the abandoned animals. They shared the efforts they go through to try and save them all. This often includes using money out of their own pockets to do yet one more miracle for an animal. Making personal sacrifices seems to be a common trend in a lot of our shelters. They were all wonderful and I was so glad I could meet them.

Later I spoke with my Mom & Dad and it was great to hear their voices. It’s my Fathers birthday today and I sang Happy Birthday to him over the phone. We talked for a bit and I sent them hugs and kisses. I’m looking forward to seeing them again when I get closer to home.

Tomorrow I head for Badger. I’ll be halfway through Newfoundland. There’s suppose to be flurries early so I may get a later start. I’m praying for less wind.


Anonymous said...

Proud of ya MITCH

Zoom Zoom said...

Hey Roomie,
Just wanted to say hi and to let you know we're proud of you and miss you and are praying that Angels line the path ahead of you. Take care and stay safe. Your daily tales are awesome, keep em comin bud. Kali and Mannie send a big meow !!! Stay safe.....

Anonymous said...

Mitch you crazy chick! I admire your determination and personal sacrifice. Good things do happen to good people. I am sure you will witness this many times during your journey as you already have on a few occasions. Stay safe and healthy. We'll be waiting when you come through Ottawa...
Nancy Mac

Anonymous said...

We are all cheering for you!

YourBootStraps said...

I think what you are doing is quite courageous and very brave. I hope people along your way realize just how much a feat it is that you have undertaken. It truly is remarkable that you have the determination to battle it out through sore feet, beating rain, freezing snow, and blistering winds. Just remember as each new challenge arises, that someone out here is cheering you on!