Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day 5 - Clarenville

April 19, 2007
I got up at 7am and went for breakfast. It was freezing rain and very windy. You could see it blowing down the highway. I was told the weather might break in a few hours. There was a possibility I might have to stay here another night.

Finally a break in the weather. Around 11am the rain stopped. The wind was still blowing but it was dryer and there was good visibility. Good to go. I packed up and started running for Clarenville. I was told its about 30 km down the highway. I should be in Clarenville by later this afternoon.

A few miles down the road I was still running into a strong wind and some steep hills but it was very scenic. Beautiful country following the ocean. Running went better today even though there were periods of drizzle and the wind persisted. I think the thought of being in Clarenville soon made today seem better. It was encouraging me. Things were looking up I thought.

Along the way people were still honking and waving. It was great. But still there was periods of drizzle and by the time I got to Clarenville I was pretty wet between my own swet and the drizzle. And there it was. Signs for Clarenville next two exits. I made it. I thanked God a million times for getting me this far.

I found out the weather is suppose to break by Saturday. I'll move on then. The goal is to reach Gambo by Sunday evening. For now I'll use Friday to visit the Clarenville S.P.C.A. I've heard so many wonderful things about their shelter. I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone there. I'll keep posting every chance I get.

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