Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 8 - Gambo

I woke up to the singing of birds and a sound I had never heard before. The first thing I saw was a bit of snow on the roof of my tent that had fallen during the night. It was almost 6am. Getting an early start should get me to Gambo by tonight. Weather and hills permitting.

It was sooo cold but I had to get out and go to the washroom and grab my snack bag that I hung from a tree and eat something before I packed up. The first thing I realized was there was no wind and it was partly sunny. I ate a baggle, peanut butter & crackers, my vitamins and an energy bar. Then I quickly packed up and hit the road.

My goal was to make it out of the park by lunchtime and then Gambo by supper. Not far down the road the wind started to pickup again and the hills were constant. It felt like all I was doing was climbing up hill. Sometimes the gusts of wind would throw me back but at least it was a dry day with some periods of sun.

Some of these hills are so long and steep. Just when I thought they couldn't get any worse I came up to Glovertown. I named it heartbreak hill. It took forever to reach the top. By the time I got to the end of it my shoulders were killing me. I had to stop and take my pack off and stretch. I met an older couple walking across and they said I wouldn't hit another one like it until Gambo. We chatted a bit and then they continued on.

The road to Gambo from that point was better but the winds were blowing against me. A few hours passed and I was getting closer to Gambo where I would stop for the night. A cyclist caught up to me just a couple of km before Gambo. Her name was Christie from Saskachewan. She had flown to St. John's and cycling to Vancouver on her own. We exchanged adventure stories and wished each other luck. I turned into Gambo and she kept going.

I walked about 1 km into Gambo and decided to go to the B & B. To my surprise it was closed. I stopped at Sheila's Restaurant for something to eat where I met more Angels. Bev & Rob. They called their friends Gerard & Paula who gave me a room for the night. They fed me, I had a hot shower, washed my clothes and had a warm bed to sleep in. I'll never forget their kindness and I thanked God them. I chatted with them for awhile and then called it a night.

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