Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 7 - Tera Nova Nat'l Park

Cool, clear and very little wind. Time to go.

The day started out great. I got an early start. 42 km should get me part way through Tera Nova Nat'l Park where I would camp for the night.

A few km down the highway the wind picked up a bit. The weather changing every few km was typical. It felt like I was doing more climbing up than going down. Not much flat or level roads. Beautiful scenery but the many hills were slowing me down.

I had gone about 30 km and made it to Port Blandford where I stopped at the Irving Gas Station. Since I left St. John's I've come to love the sight of the Irving Gas Stations. I stopped to use the washroom and have a drink and a snack. Here I met Sandy & Sheri. Two sisters who work there. I chatted with them and they signed my flag and even gave me a donation. Sandy took a picture of me and off I went. There was a second gas station about 500 meters further. A little boy ran up to me and he wanted to make a donation. His name was Nicholas. He told me about his two cats and three fish. His Mom rescued one of the cats from the highway. The cat had followed her home. I told him he was saving the life of a cat or dog with his donation and he smiled. He signed my flag including his two cats names. I thanked him and and he went on his way. I waved and off I went. Talking to that little boy reminded me how much love children have for their pets. Our pets teach them about friendship and loyalty, love and respect for life. I hope he never grows out of it.

By now I was well into Tera Nova Park. It was getting late and time to find an area to setup my tent. I stopped at Dunphy's Pond. It was about 7:30pm when I settled into my sleeping bag. There wasn't much traffic to keep me company. Once again the night was cold and damp. I said my prayers and fell asleep.

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