Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Day 24 - Sydney to Ben Eoin

I got an early start and headed down hwy 125 towards St. Peters. It finally hit me. I was in Nova Scotia. I big smile came over me.

Julie from the Cape Breton Post met me on the highway. She took my picture and talked with me for a bit. She was great. The article should be printed in tomorrows paper. 20 km later I arrived at the Sydney/St. Peters turn off. I made a pit stop at the gas station and grabbed a drink. By now I had taken both my jacket and wind pants off. The sun was shining and it felt like a warm summer day. At last, no more freezing weather.

My destination today was making camp at Ben Eoin Campground. It would be closed but thats where I'll stop. 42 km in total.

Just before Ben Eoin I reached an area called East Bay where I met some wonderful people. A woman coming out of the Post Office stopped me to ask me what on earth I was doing. Once I told her she thought that was great and I got her to sign my flag. She was off to celebrate her Mother's 90th birthday. A little further down the road at the historical church I saw an SUV pull up and stop. They flagged me down and it was a woman named Susan and her son Mark. She told me she saw me running earlier in the day and had to come back and find out what I was doing. She brought me some home made cookies and water. I couldn't believe it! They signed my flag and wished me luck. I had about another 10 km to go and it was close to suppertime. I came along a man by the name of Ivan sitting outside in his yard. He asked me if I wanted to stop for a glass of water. He took my picture and told me to come on in. He made me soup and crackers, gave me juice to drink, tea and let me use his washroom. Him and his wife, Viola, are retired but unfortunately Viola wasn't there and I didn't get to meet her. I was there about an hour and had to get going as it would be dark soon.

I reached the campground and setup my tent right in front of the water. There was no wind and it was warm. I got settled in just before dark and thought about the amazing people I met today. I said my prayers and tonight I would fall asleep to the sounds of frogs and crickets.

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