Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 150 - Broadview

I've also discovered that the prairie winds are much stronger than I am. The headwinds today were incredible. I must look pretty funny on the highway trying to push my way through the winds and getting blown around when trucks pass me. The winds just didn't let up. I made it as far as Broadview and stopped at the Sweet Dreams Motel where I met Perry. He was so supportive he was even going to run a bit with me tomorrow. I was looking forward to that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, its Tracey from Lethbridge, you are doing awesome we are following you progress all the time. I cant believe how far you have run, its amazing. I am sorry I missed your call and when I called back you were gone. I hope that this message finds you well. I see that you may be coming through Brooks.....we thought we may be able to meet up with you there.

Our thougts are with you

Tracey and crew
Lethbridge & District Humane Society