Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day 164 - Gull Lake

It finally stopped raining. They haven't had rain around here for awhile so I guess they really needed it. Its still cloudy and windy but its suppose to clear up later today.

Its a long way to Gull Lake from here, 35 miles....eek! There's just nothing between these towns but fields. Even the farmhouses are so far off the road. I passed a couple of Llamas, horses and they all seem to rush to the fense and want to follow, or maybe they're looking for carrots!

It was starting to warm up and to my surprise Jim and Helene pulled up in their transport again. Since I saw them they had gone down through the states and across the rockies. We chuckled about that since I hadn't covered much ground compared to them. They brought me a nice snack and seeing them again cheered me up. But they had to go and we said our good byes. Maybe I'll run into them again.

I passed more dead animals on the road. There are so many. A beautiful coyote and all the birds and foxes. Makes me sad. Before I hit Gull Lake I ran into a hitchhiker going the other way. I said hi but that was about it. Finally, I reached Gull Lake.

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