Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Day 13 - South Brook

Finally the sun came out. Its warmth felt good and I barely noticed the wind. For the first time I took my jacket and gloves off and wore no hat.

It was 52 km to South Brook. There were fewer hills. A family on their way to a basketball tournament stopped to say hi and gave me a bottle of water. I got them to sign my flag before they drove away. I was making better time today and had gone 42 km. It was time to look for a place to camp.

In the distance I saw what looked like a driveway. When I reached it, it was a man made bridge over the ditch leading up to a clearing. A little further down was a lot with a cabin on it. It was a perfect spot to pitch my tent. It was just off the highway and sheltered by trees. I setup my tent and hung my clothes to dry.

It was a calm dry night. Before I settled in I brought my clothes in and put my food bag in the outhouse near by. It felt good to lay down and rest my feet. The blisters on my baby toe were getting worse. While I was lying there it hit me that I was more than halfway thru Newfoundland. I couldn't believe I had made it this far. I couldn't have without some divine help.

The noise from the highway was faint from here. I tossed and turned a bit and slept on & off. I fell asleep thinking tomorrow I would reach a point where I would be heading down the west side of NL along the highway and I was looking forward to that. As always I said my prayers.

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