Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Day 26 - Indian Reserve to Arichat

Today I was packed up and ready to go by 6:30am. This was a good start! I was making good time today. I went about 6 miles and hit St. Peter's. I stopped for some water and made a quick call to Dorit and left her a message to let her know where I was.

It was about 11:00am and it was really hot now, wow. With this heat I wouldn't beable to go much past noon and then I would have to get out of the sun. I hadn't come across any gas station or store since I left St. Peter's. I was low on water and only some crackers, one apple left (thank you Lester) and one energy bar. I was hoping to hit something but didn't. It was 1pm and I couldn't take any more of the sun. I found a spot just off the highway with some shade. I think I had gone about 22 miles but it was tough in the heat and with all the hills. I had to ration my water. If there was nothing between here and Port Hawksbury I needed some water for tomorrow.

While I was settingup my tent I think I scared a deer away cause there was an awful loud stomping of something just beyond the trees. I had surprised something big. Once my tent was setup I hung my clothes out to dry and with the heat and sun it didn't take long. My tent was shading me from the sun. I had dosed off for a bit. It always felt good to get off my feet. The sound of the traffic was faint and the birds were singing. There were a few rabits that paid a visit. Tonight I would wrap everything in something and keep in my tent to keep the dampness out. I couldn't wait for daylight so I could get on the road again. The evening was very quiet and dark. I tossed and turned all night. I wasn't on very flat ground. Tomorrow I would go as far as Port Hastings where I would hopefully meet the folks at the Celtic shelter.

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