Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 38 - Youngs Cove

In the morning on our way out, Madi stopped at the Tim Horton's and bought coffee. She was so thoughtful that way. On our way to the drop off spot she told me about the feril cat she was off to trap after she dropped me off. Madi and Dave had been amazing and I couldn't thank them enough for everything they had done.

I was running with a full pack again. It felt even heavier than I remembered. There were alot of rolling hills on this stretch of the highway. It was 58 km to the next town. I planned on going 42 km and then camp for the night.

The first 10 miles seem to take a long time. It was going slow and the arches of my feet were achy. One person stopped to see what I was doing. I went another 10 miles and then ate something. The next 6 miles were tough and I was now looking for a place to camp. There were alot of choices behind me but now the deer fense seemed to go on forever and the bush was thicker and not very good for putting up a tent. Alot of the grounds were wet from the rain. A couple more miles turned into a couple more and before I knew it I was almost in Young's Cove. By now I could barely feel my feet but there wasn't really any where to stop for the night.

I reached Young's Cove and it was starting to get late. I had gone 36 miles. I asked the owner of the McCready Motel if I could put my tent up behind his building and better than that he gave me a room for the night. As soon as I got in the room I took a shower and 6 advil. My feet were throbbing and I didn't move for the rest of the night.

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