Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 39 - Jemseg River

The temperature overnight had dropped to -2 so I was happy I didn't spend that night in my tent. I went over to the restaurant for breakfast and thanked Earl, the motel owner, a thousand times. He also signed my flag as well as Sharon the waitress. Before I headed out I called Madi to let her know I made it OK.

The morning was cool but the sun was shining. Finally a dry day. It would be a day I could take my rain gear off.

It was getting later in the afternoon when a white VAN pulled up. There were two gentlemen inside. The driver asked me if I know Sharron Malott in Ottawa. I let out a chuckle and knew these were friends of hers, Dave and Shawn. Dave had said Sharron asked him to look out for a friend of hers running on the highway. He placed a call from his cell to Sharron and it was the first time I had spoken to her since she drove me to the Ottawa airport when I left for Newfoundland. It was great chatting with her. Dave left me some oranges and apples and would stop by again tomorrow.

I went as far as Jemseg River and found a great spot to camp for the night about 100 ft off the highway. My excitement for the evening would be watching the bugs crawl around the outside of my tent trying to find a way in. I thought about how great my tent had held up so far but for the first time I realized how small it really was. Just enough room to lay down.

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