Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 41 - Fredericton

In the morning I called Madi's sister Flo and she would pick me up later just past Fredericton. I knew I could make it that far. It was going to be up near 32 C and humid and I didn't want to be out there in that heat.

Flo & her husband Stan pulled up about 11:30am and were headed in town and wanted to take me for something to eat. After we talked for a bit they would drop me off at Cleve's sports store where I picked up a knew pair of shoes. After that they took me to Subway's for lunch. We then headed for Ski Wolf outdoor sporting store where I would find a running stroller. I spoke with Chris & Matthew and when they found out what I was doing, Matthew called his store manager Nancy and they gave me the stroller at a discount. They were great at helping me out. It was just the right size to fit and support my stuff. I would also beable to carry a little more water.

From there Flo & Stan took me out to their home in the country. When we drove up there was firewood piled in the driveway and some stacked further back. I met their 2 cats they had rescued, Mini & Charlie. Flo showed me all her plants lined up on the kitchen table she had bought that she was waiting to plant. Stan was outside cutting the grass. It was his first chance after all the rain they had. I took a shower and joined Flo & Stan in the basement where it was cooler. Stan talked about a bird's nest in the ground he had uncovered when moving the lawn. He was concerned about the babies and if they would survive.

After dinner Flo took me for a tour of Fredericton. She knew everything about its history and buildings. It was a beautiful city. She finished it with a stop at the DQ for an ice-cream.

Flo was a retired RN and a foot specialist. She looked at my feet and gave me some treatment that included filing down some of the calluses that had built up. She gave me some feet first aid stuff to take with me and some tips. She had also given me a couple of pairs of new socks along with some foot powder. She had been so great and kind. I'll never forget it.

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