Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Day 43 - Meductic

It didn't take me long to pack up and get on the road. A few km and I spotted my first deer. And then a little further a couple more deer.

I went 44 km and reached Meductic. I crossed over from the new highway to the old highway into the little town. I stopped at the Irving gas station for something to drink and snacks and chatted with the attendant. I asked her about campgrounds and she suggested the park just around the corner so I went over there and found a spot off to the side near one of the closed buildings. There were some kids on and off that came to play. There had also been some kids on motor bikes. Later around 8pm a car drove up with 4 teenagers, 3 boys and 1 girl. I could tell from their language that they must have been partying. Well they threw a souple of rocks at my tent. I yelled at them that there was someone in here and I was coming out. When I got out of my tent they walked off somewhere. I thought I better move camp and packed up and left.

By now it was getting dark and had started to rain. Woodstock was too far to get to so I would try to find a spot up the highway. I went about a km and saw a house with a light on and a car in the driveway beside a Baptist Church. They had a big field for a yard. I knocked on the door and explained my situation and that it was too dangerous to be on the highway right now and if they wouldn't mind if I put my tent up in their yard. It was the pastor from the church and his wife and they offered me a room for the night. God blessed me with two more angels.

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