Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day 160 - Herbert

I had another restless night. I fell asleep around 2am and slept on and off. Before I left Chaplain I met Ida who brought me to her home so I could use her phone. Public phones are scarce in these small towns. I left a message at the humane society in Swift Current hoping I'd beable to met up with them when I got there tomorrow.
It was another overcast cool day and the winds had picked up again. I passed the salt fields which looked like snow. There were more dead birds on the road and more geese flying south. Some cows chased me along the fense, I thought that was odd, and I watched some horses running in the fields. I passed a hitchhiker lying down in the ditch. He was OK though cause he did say hello. There were more trains and a driver came very close to me on the shoulder. I thought he was going to hit me. He must have been sleeping or something. I actually jumped over to get out of the way. I finally got to Herbert and was glad to be out of the wind. Tomorrow I would be in Swift Current.

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