Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Even animals need compassion and kindness!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Day 167 - Walsh

Today was a very exciting day cause I was going to cross into the province of Alberta and i couldn't wait. I ate a good breakfast at the restaurant. I went a couple of miles and came up to a valley. It was so beautiful to look at. As I went down and through it and up the other side I started singing the song, "downin the valley, the valley so low. hang your head over, hear the wind blow." I laughed at myself for that one.

I went about ten miles and came up to an overpass for the trains. Before I got to it there were warning signs that read "Wind Gusts." I thought to myself its already really windy how bad can it get. Lets just say I was glad I had Gidget to hold on to. She kept my feet grounded otherwise I might have been blown around like the tumbleweeds I watched blow past me. I had to hold onto the wire railing a couple of times when the traffic went by. Wow! I was glad to get past that area.

Mile after mile I knew I was getting closer to Alberta and I was starting to get really excited. I came up over a hill and I could barely see the signs but I knew they were there and it wouldn't be long now. I got closer and past the Saskatchewan signs and rest area and there it was. Welcome to Alberta. There was no one to see my happy dance. I was a little happy! I went a few more km and stopped in Walsh.

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